School Council

Our School Council meets monthly and comprises 7 parents, 1 community member and 4 staff who together:

  • establish the broad direction and vision for the school.
  • develop, review and update the policies of the school.
  • raise funds for school related purposes.
  • regulate and facilitate the after-hours use of our school.
  • exercise general oversight of the buildings and grounds ensuring they are kept in good order and condition.
  • ensure all money coming into the hands of the council is properly expended.
  • ensure they take account of the views expressed by the school community for the purpose of making decisions in the best interests of the school and our students.
  • ensure the annual report and school’s strategic plan is published and available to the school community.
  • stimulate interest in the school in the wider community.

We have an industrious and supportive council who are committed to doing the best for TRBPS. They objectively consider matters and carefully consider all perspectives. There is an evident generosity of spirit in the members of council and in the sub committees who work consistently to support our school.

Mrs Elizabeth Runting
School Council President

School Council Members are:

Mrs Elizabeth Runting – Current President – until March 2026 –

Mr Shane Hazim – Vice President – until March 2025

Mrs Dragana Vukadinovic – Treasurer – until March 2026

Mr Luke Bishop – BaGs Convenor – until March 2025

Mrs Tamar Goldman – until March 2026

Mr Cameron Hall – until March 2025

Mrs Dalla Santa – until March 2026

Ms Emma Baldwin – staff representative until March 2025

Ms Kerrie Gentner – staff representative until March 2025

Mrs Ellise Mehl – staff representative until March 2025

Mrs Robyn Farnell – Executive Officer

Mrs Nerissa Parker – Minute Taker

Mrs Tennile Liebig – Community Member (President of PFA)  until March 2025

Finance Sub Committee

The Finance & Administration Sub-Committee has the role of:

  • Supporting the Principal and Business Manager in the financial management of the school, to maximise benefits to current and future students.
  • Reviewing the monthly receipts, payments, bank statements, program budget reports and other financial reports.
  • Planning the budget for subsequent year – making recommendations to School Council.
  • Providing input into the development of school strategic goals.
  • Ensuring our resources are targeted at meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan.
  • Ensuring funding and resources are allocated towards school maintenance and capital development projects.
  • Review of Policy & Procedures as necessary.
  • To advise School Council as appropriate.

The committee consists of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Business Manager, School Council members and interested parents.

New members are welcome – financial expertise is handy but not a requirement.

If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Robyn Farnell (Principal) or Nerissa Parker (Business Manager).

The Finance SC committee is currently convened by the School Council Treasurer – Mrs Dragana Vukadinovic.

Meetings are conducted on a Wednesday at 8.00 am in the Principal’s Conference Room.

Buildings & Grounds (BaGs) Sub Committee

The Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee has responsibility for:

  • Maintaining and improving the school’s buildings and grounds.
  • Planning for the future development of the school buildings and grounds.
  • Conducting regular safety audits of the school buildings, grounds and playground equipment. Organizing appropriate corrective actions with timings aligned to the hazard levels.

The committee consists of the mixture of enthusiastic TRBPS staff and community members.

New members are most definitely welcome – technical and trade skills and prior expertise are always welcome but not a requirement.

  • Committee meeting once a month, Thursday evening at 7:30pm
  • Working Bee, twice a term – weather permitting, Sundays 9:30am.
Luke Bishop
S.C. – BaGs Committee Convenor